
时间:2023-05-17 08:56:55




Dear students:How are you!

In the previous several exams, I have gained good results, first of all thanks to my efforts, of course, learning is also very important. Next, I gave you about my learning experience.I feel good in order to learn first-come interested in learning. As the saying goes: "Interest is the best teacher." With interest will be motivated to learn, the more naturally learn better. Second, in order to improve learning, we must master the correct way to learn, learn to digest, g ……此处隐藏9084个字……de will affect your performance, whether you want it to or not.

Even the simplest, most neutral statements you make will create judgments – conscious or subconscious – by listeners. A speaker’s attitude will affect the listener, positively or negatively, just as strongly as the spoken words. In a customer service environment, even delivering bad news can generate a positive customer response if you have a great attitude, displaying empathy, concern, and interest in the customer’s feelings.

If you’re convinced that attitude rules, you might become a “positive attitude guru” if you use some of the following tips and practice your delivery until it becomes automatic. Here are some suggestions that you can use starting tomorrow.

